2003 年成立,Lifelong Animal Protection Charity (LAP) 是由義工營運的動物拯救機構,並有貓狗領養中心。
LAP 除拯救,暫托,為動物尋家之外,還參與絕育放回計劃,到學校及舉辦各種活動宣揚愛護動物意識。
LAP website, Facebook
Gold-D 品牌來自新加坡,成立理念源於兩隻 FIV+貓咪 Ken Ken 和 Gold-D。Ken Ken 曾經被人用熱油潑淋虐待,而 Gold-D 則被遺棄,幸運地由Gold-D 創辦人領養,更為他們推出了 Gold-D 貓食品。
有別於其他品牌,Gold-D 所有產品均以曾被遺棄或虐待,但已成功尋家的貓咪為模特兒,藉此宣揚「領養代替購買」的理念。因此,Gold-D 致力舉辦不同活動,以支持動物機構的工作。
請選購捐贈產品,以 PayPal / Credit Card 結帳,我們會為您代勞,將您捐贈的產品集合後送到Lifelong Animal Protection Charity (LAP),並每月於 Gold-D HK Facebook 及 Wise Pet FaceBook 專頁刊登捐贈者姓名,捐贈食物數目,受惠機構。如不想公開姓名,請於購物車您的姓名旁邊,加上「無名氏」字樣。
Founded in 2003, Lifelong Animal Protection Charity (LAP) is a volunteer run organisation rescuing and rehoming homeless animals of Hong Kong. LAP has dog and cat adoption centres and foster care. They also run TNR program and educational programs to raise animal welfare awareness.
Gold-D is a brand founded in Singapore. The idea came from two FIV+ cats: Ken Ken and Gold-D. Ken Ken was abused while Gold-D was abandoned. Fortunately, they were rescued by Gold-D founder who went an extra step by creating the Gold-D brand to provide healthy food. With this background, Gold-D works and supports local shelters wherever they are.
Healthy food, healthy cats
Good food keeps cats healthy. It prevents health issues such as kidney failure, UTI, cancer, etc. Healthy animals also have higher chances of adoption. May all abandoned animals find their loving forever homes.
Please choose the products you want to donate and pay by PayPal / Credit Card. We will consolidate the food and deliver to LAP. Donor name, amount of food donated and the rescue organization receiving the donation will be posted on Gold-D HK / Wise Pet Facebook page each month. If you don’t want to disclose your name, you may put “anonymous” next to your name in the shopping cart.
All items are marked for LAP and will be consolidated and sent to LAP.
Upon delivery, we will post a acknowledgment photo on Gold-D HK Facebook and Wise Pet FaceBook. |