Russel D. Longtail
26 Dec 2011 |
03 Apr 2018 |
Russel D. Longtail was found in Dakota, a housing estate in Singapore. Thats what the D in his name stands for.
The area was designated for redevelopment and many residents moved out abandoning their pets.
Russel was found sitting on the vacant balcony. As the demolition can take place anytime, Russel maybe in danger when the works begin.
The volunteer rescue group arranged to rescue him and even found a foster for him. However, at the vet, Russel was tested FIV+. The foster’s cat is likely to fight so they could not foster him.
What to do?
Almost midnight, the rescuers had Russel in a carrier and contemplating their options. An option was to release him back to the abandoned housing estate defeating the purpose of the rescue.
To protect Russel, we agreed and became his last-minute foster. When Russel arrived, he was extremely upset and screaming at the top of his voice. Fortunately, a few days later, he calmed down and began interacting with the other cats.
Russel was tested FeLV+ positive during a check up and he had to be seperared from the other cats. However, at a subsequent test, he was negative.
Russel has a home!
As Russel settled down, he also noticed that the Gold-D food he consumes features his siblings. He seemed amazed, so we decided to surprise him by making him a model too!
It is also a gift for his first birthday with us. A special gift for this this very affectionate, handsome and adorable cat. Yes FIV+ but with good food, clean home and lots of love, its not a problem.
Russel is featured on Gold-D tuna and seabream in gravy.


Russel resting with his siblings Chorny (black) and Meda (ginger)